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Here you can find a selection of our most popular products, just search a category to find an item.  If you need something more, please get in touch, we're happy to help 

Office Stationery
Sign And Display
Classroom Consumables
Early Years & Send
Whiteboards & Accessories
Maths Resources
Handwriting Pens
Hygiene And Wellbeing
Handwriting Pencils
Outdoor Play
Hygiene & Ergonomics
Arts & Craft
Office Stationary
Sensory & Magnetics

Sensory & Magnetics

Kids Sensory Cushion

The Sensory Kids Cushion helps young people engage with learning by providing them with room to 'wiggle' or by helping them become centred as they attempt an activity. The multiple textures offer choice and each cushion can be inflated to suit the individual. Long lasting, sustainable material is perfect for those looking for a more ECO resource.
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