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Office Stationery
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Handwriting Pencils
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Arts & Craft

Jumbo Fluorescent Highlighter Pencils

Art.17340 Jumbo Fluorescent 'Highlighter Pencils' A great, long lasting alternative to highlighter pens in the classroom. Each bright colour can highlight text without smudging ink or bleeding through the page and there is no risk of the nib drying without a cap. SBL and ECO-Linden wood combine to offer you a longer lasting 'Green Choice' for the classroom. *option 1:17340 6x Pink + 6x Green /

Arts & Craft

School Colouringing Pencils - Robust Construction

Art. 24184 Quality School Colouring Pencils in 24 assorted colours All colours can shade and blend together and are ideal for colouring activities inside the classroom or outside, ie forest school projects. ECO-Linden wood is used, which is robust and sustainable.

Arts & Craft

Super Jumbo Colouring Pencils - Robust Construction

Art. 24181 Super Jumbo Colour Pencil benefit from colour caps to make them identifiable. Each colour pencil benefits from SBL technology that ensures longevity and high colour pigments make them great for all ages. ECO-Linden wood is preferred for added longevity and sustainability. Available in 12 assorted colour pencils /wallet
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